Melca - Ethiopia Database Managment system

Our Mission

To work for healthy ecosystems, resilient communities and critical young generation through developing and institutionalizing innovative approaches and experiences

Goal/Overall Objective

To increase the adaptive capacity to social and ecological shocks of communities and contribute to the creation of a healthy ecosystem and resilient community.

Our Vision is : To see healthy and prosperous people that preserves their bio-cultural diversity

What we do at Melca Ethiopia Includes:

  • Agro-Eclology

  • Environmental Governance

  • Eco-Friendly Livelihoods Improvement

  • Children And Youth Empowerment

MELCA means ford both in Amharic & Oromo language –widely spoken languages of Ethiopia.

MELCA means ford both in Amharic and Oromo language – two of the widely spoken languages of Ethiopia. It means a crossing point on a river, which is symbolically used to indicate the need to take people away from their misconceptions about local people and culture to an understanding and appreciation of traditional ecological knowledge